Should Kids See a Stratford Chiropractor?

Should Kids See a Stratford Chiropractor?

Should Kids See a Stratford Chiropractor?

Many parents that want the best for their children’s health are constantly looking for non-invasive ways to boost health and prevent degenerative conditions and pain. Upper cervical chiropractic treatment provides a lot of benefits to adults, but should kids see a Stratford upper cervical chiropractor?

Is Upper cervical chiropractic Safe for Kids?

To answer the question in a word, yes upper cervical chiropractic is safe for kids. Several research studies of varying sizes have tested the safety aspect of upper cervical chiropractic care for kids and they’ve all found it to be safe. Children of all shapes and sizes can receive upper cervical chiropractic care without any safety issues. Even infants are safe in the hands of a properly trained upper cervical chiropractor.

Is Upper cervical chiropractic Effective for Kids?

Upper cervical chiropractic treatment has also been proven as an effective treatment method for many childhood issues that range beyond pain management. As your child continues to develop and grow, upper cervical chiropractic treatment will help keep the joints, muscles, and nerves balanced so the lines of communication between the brain and nervous system remain strong.

As with adults, children that have sustained skeletal injuries from falls or car accidents also benefit from seeing an upper cervical chiropractor. It’s easy to think that kids are more resilient just because they are kids and while this may be true to a certain extent, they can still develop chronic conditions later in life if the initial injury is not addressed. Kids have the potential for disc misalignment and nerve compression the same as adults, so make sure to bring your child in for treatment after an injury.

Is the Treatment the Same As For Adults?

The basic premise of upper cervical chiropractic treatment is the same for an adult as it is for an infant, but the amount of pressure used and the treatment protocol will differ. As an example, the amount of pressure required to adjust an infant has been compared to testing the ripeness of a tomato with your finger. Kids don’t require care for pain the same as an adult would and they tend to respond much quicker to treatment.

Some common clues that might indicate your child could use treatment include walking with a slight limp, being off balance when walking or running, or only wanting to breastfeed from one side. Keep an eye out for these and other abnormalities. Schedule an appointment with our Stratford upper cervical chiropractic team at Corsello Clinic of Chiropractic anytime you feel it is warranted.

8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

By Appointment Only

8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:30pm

By Appointment Only

Corsello Clinic of Chiropractic

2021 Main Street
Stratford, CT 06615

Phone: (203) 381-1800